Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Tip me over and pour me out!"

Yes, because I am a little tea pot?

Beneficially on this train of passing along clothes I have an ever rotating closet of clothes to choose from (worked it out with some friends where we pass clothes along between us so it is like going shopping but for free and you when you want to get rid of it you just pass it along)... negative is I get behind on going through my clothes and end up with piles that I need to decide what to do with... keep, pass along, wear at least once.

The wear at least once is my favorite pile because there are so many crazy silly things that I wouldn't be able to use all the time but I love to have them pop up in my clothes everyone in a while and this way I don't have to store them for the rest of the year!

1 comment:

  1. love the top!

    New follower from The Pleated Poppy
