Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For those who want fashion but are afraid of what that means. . .

Do you ever get up feeling a desire to look cute?  You look at other people's clothes and think, I would look cute in that but by the time you get home you are unsure of how to emulate or you try to make it your own and it doesn't work?   Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of trying to revamp your closet because of the time and cost?

My goal is to get you to feel pretty and put together in with the least amount of effort, money and time.

I am going to show you what to wear... and what not to wear.

How the same basic outfit can go three days in a row without people knowing.

I am here to share the small truths that I have picked up along the way and I hope that you teach me more.

I can't promise that I will do anything different that others, I won't.
I can't promise that  I will be the best thing that has happened to your closet.

But I can promise we will have some fun on the way to a closet that you love and don't fear.

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