Slightly to do with fashion but mostly do to with awesome!
T Minus
52 Days
11 Hours
and just over 30 minutes
The last Harry Potter movie is coming out. Yes, I do indeed have a deep and pitted affection for this lore. Do I wish deep down to have my own wand... oh wait I do!
My husband, Chris, my sister, Sarah, a gaggle of friends and I are going at the midnight release. You ask: could I wait? Possibly but I am not going to!
Not only are we going but we are going in garb. I am in the process of making our uniforms. step one: scarf! Yes, it is going to be July but you can't go in uniform without the much needed scarf.
Step one: get yarn (and if you don't have them needles). Be specific because you need to get your house's colors perfect!
Step two: start (if you don't know how to it is fairly simple but you may want to practice some before you start the endeavor to make your house scarf) I used the knit/pearl method on the ones I have made thus far.
Step three: do the finishing touches. Mind in those extra strands. Make those tassels you know always wanted!
By Rachel Abi
Step four: enjoy your spoils!